The easy way to extremely smooth legs: MY HAIR REMOVAL ROUTINE!

You dream of perfect legs? A gallant rendezvous, an afternoon shopping among friends,
a sports session? The opportunity to show your legs perfectly soft!
With a few simple tips, you should be able to perfect your ritual for flawless hair removal.

Indeed, for long-lasting results and slowed hair re-growth,
an electric epilator is your best bet!

Electric epilator


The secret to effective epilation is exfoliating the skin two days before, which facilitates hair extraction.
Choose between an exfoliating glove, an exfoliating cream or even an exfoliating brush…
Prepare your skin for epilation by reducing ingrown hairs and removing dead cells.

  • image exfoliating cream

    Exfoliating cream

  • image exfoliating brush

    Exfoliating brush

  • image exfoliating glove

    Exfoliating glove

  • image exfoliating cream

    Exfoliating cream

  • image exfoliating brush

    Exfoliating brush

  • image exfoliating glove

    Exfoliating glove


For successful dry epilation:

image separateur

The skin must be clean and dry.
Tip: use talcum powder
to dry the skin.

image separateur

Epilate in the opposite direction
to the way in which the hair grows.

image separateur

After epilating, properly hydrate
your skin with an oil or moisturizer.
Do not use cosmetics containing
alcohol, which may irritate the skin.

image separateur

The skin must be clean and dry.
Tip: use talcum powder
to dry the skin.

image separateur

Epilate in the opposite direction
to the way in which the hair grows.

image separateur

After epilating, properly hydrate
your skin with an oil or moisturizer.
Do not use cosmetics containing
alcohol, which may irritate the skin.

picto powder
image separateur

The skin must be clean and dry.
Tip: use talcum powder
to dry the skin.

picto hair
image separateur

Epilate in the opposite direction
to the way in which the hair grows.

picto hydrate
image separateur

After epilating, properly hydrate
your skin with an oil or moisturizer.
Do not use cosmetics containing
alcohol, which may irritate the skin.


Use your epilator in the bath or under the shower for more comfort.
With its protective, calming and relaxing properties, water reduces friction,
irritation and redness for greater comfort.

Run yourself a bath
(not too hot!).

picto bain
image global water
picto time

Immerse yourself for at least five minutes to give your skin’s pores time to open. Then… off you go!

picto oil

Add essential oils for maximum enjoyment
(coconut for hydration or lavender for relaxation).

image global flower

Run yourself a bath
(not too hot!).

picto bain
image global water
picto time

Immerse yourself for at least five minutes to give your skin’s pores time to open. Then… off you go!

picto oil

Add essential oils for maximum enjoyment
(coconut for hydration or lavender for relaxation).

image global flower

image global water

Run yourself a bath
(not too hot!).

picto bain
picto time

Immerse yourself for at least five minutes to give your skin’s pores time to open.
Then… off you go!

picto oil

Add essential oils for maximum enjoyment
(coconut for hydration or lavender for relaxation).

image global flower

picto calendar

...A few days later

picto calendar

...A few days later

image separateur
image separateur

Do you notice the re-appearance of hairs just a few days after
epilating? That’s normal: hairs grow back at different speeds.
And did you know: hair grows quicker in warmer weather?

Do you notice the re-appearance of hairs just a few days after
epilating? That’s normal: hairs grow back at different speeds.
And did you know: hair grows quicker in warmer weather?

Skin respectFROM ROWENTA

The softest efficient epilator by Rowenta*

The epilator that respects your skin with no compromise on performance for perfect results.
The Skin Respect epilator for women combines highly effective hair removal with innovative skin-respect technology,
resulting in perfectly smooth skin. Usable under water, it features an exclusive smooth-touch head that respects the skin,
making hair removal a more comfortable experience every time.

picto fast and long lasting
picto soft mode
picto wet and dry

*Compared to other Rowenta epilators