Čistilci zraka
Indoor air is highly polluted and in the long-term, breathing poor quality air can have significant consequences on your health. However, a few good habits can help you to breathe with complete peace of mind. An air purifier with filters helps to fight against indoor pollution, particularly for the most sensitive like children, allergic asthmatics or the elderly.
Čiščenje brez omejitev. Filtrira do 100 % alergenov!*
Čistilec zraka 2-v-1 + ventilator / Filtracija drobnih delcev do 99,95 %* / 12 hitrosti / 32dB(A) pri minimalni hitrosti
Očistite, zadihajte in živite z manj alergeni* Filtrira do 100% alergenov in drobnih delcev**
Edini čistilec zraka s klinično dokazano učinkovitostjo!
Lažje se diha!
Fitrirano je do 99,9% alergenov in majhnih delcev
Fitrirano je do 99,9% alergenov in majhnih delcev
Rowentin najučinkovitejši čistilec 3 v 1
Majhna velikost, moč pa velika!